This weeks show is a tale of 2 days, we arrive on the day of a massive cold-front, and are expecting fishing to be tough. Our guide Josh Teigen said the day before we arrived, it was 75℉, and the day we’re fishing it’s 49℉ with rain. This is a great way for my daughter Blake, who is joining the show, to see how things are done when the fishing is expected to be tough.
As expected the first day is really tough, low pressure has turned these bass off, and we end up getting rained off the lake late in the day.
We don’t have high hopes for day two, but we get on a spot, and they are really schooled up! We end up having one of the best large mouth bass days ever. Using different plastics like the Kalin’s Wack-O and Jerk Minnow is triggering these fish to bite like crazy!