October 2024

Episode 40

Fall Hayward Muskies

Show Date: October 5, 2024

Location: Hayward Area, Sawyer Co., Wisconsin

This week’s Pete Maina takes over hosting duties while John continues to heal. Pete has a great group of anglers that join us, including pro guide Josh Teigen.  

We start out on a river, and have lots of action, but very few fish in the net. We then move to some ‘numbers’ lakes where we manage to keep the fish on the hook. 

All in all, a good trip. We can’t wait to get John back on the water.

Episode 41

Harbor Salmon

Show Date: October 12, 2024

Location: Western Lake Michigan Harbors

Guide: Captain Caleb Zorn [262-515-7944]

It’s that magical time of year for salmon fisherman, and these fish are instinctually returning to where they were stocked.  This means that this time of year the harbors are packed with fish that will spawn, and eventually die as part of their life-cycle. 

These salmon are very territorial this time of year, and when we use eggs from another fish as bait, they will attempt to destroy them by biting them.  They are not feeding, but instead trying to ensure that their eggs survive by eliminating others. The put up a fight, so make sure your drag is set, and hold on!

Episode 42

Northern Wisconsin Flowages

Show Date: October 19, 2024

Location: Vilas & Oneida Counties, Wisconsin

Guide: Matt Raley [715-347-4868]

John is back in the boat this week, and Rob was nice enough to put down the muskie rods for a day, so we could take it easy on John. We’re out on a flowage in northern Wisconsin with tow guides, Rob Manthei, and Matt Raley.  Matt guides for all species, and loves the flowages for their diversity of species throughout the year.

Episode 43

Fall on the Wisconsin River

Show Date: October 26, 2024

Location: Wisconsin River, Stevens Point. WI

Guide: Matt Lazarski [715-498-2474]

We’re out on the River in Matt’s big fishing pontoon! 

We love getting out on the river with Matt and Jozef, because there is always something biting, and we never quite know what it is until it’s nearly in the net. We caught mosty walleyes & pike, with a few surprises sprinkled in. They kept us nice and cozy in the heated cabin for the long rides as well.