December 2020

Episode 50

The Mighty (Cold) Mississippi
Show Date: December 12th & 13th, 2020
Location: Mississippi River, Red Wing, Minnesota
Guide: Jeremiah Luhmann [651-380-7278 |]

It’s been a relatively mild winter so far, but ice is starting to form in the northern parts of the midwest, if you want to get out in a boat to catch a bunch of walleye and sauger, the Mississippi in the Red Wing area is hard to beat. 

Jeremiah Luhmann showed us how it’s done this time of year, either casting plastics drifting along the shoreline, or slowly trolling crank baits upstream right down the center of the river. The season for walleye and sauger doesn’t close here, so a long as you can bare the weather, you can fish here just about all year. 

Episode 51

First Ice on Red Lake

Show Date: December 19th & 20th, 2020

Location: Red Lake, Minnesota

We ventured out onto the ice for the first time this year on Red Lake, in northwestern Minnesota. Red Lake is well known for walleye, especially during the ice season. As far north as it is, despite its size, it is usually a lake that freezes pretty early.  Big crowds are attracted to this great walleye bite every year, this year there were traffic jams of people waiting to get onto the ice.

Episode 52

Panfish & Pike in Hayward

Show Date: December 26th & 27th, 2020

Location: Hayward, Sawyer County, Wisconsin

Pete Maina invited us to Hayward, along with a great group of people to pop some holes, and ice some beautiful panfish.  Basins are the best place to look for crappies this time of year, because they are congregated in those holes.  Drill a ton of holes, hole hop until you find them, and have fun!  We also put out a few Beaver Dams near shore and find a few pike too.